Your personal brand is what makes you, you. It’s your unique identity, and it’s what sets you apart from everyone else.
In today’s competitive world, it’s more important than ever to have a strong personal brand. For example, an employer is not just looking for someone with the right skills and experience – they’re looking for someone who will be a good fit for their company culture and values. And so should you!
By building a personal brand, you can make yourself irresistible to employers and clients, by positioning yourself as the perfect person for the job, before speaking to them or stepping into an interview.
In this article, I'm going to share with you what a personal brand is and why it’s so important. As someone who has benefitted from personal branding as an employee, slasher, and now, an entrepreneur, I will also be sharing some tips on how to build a strong personal brand that will make you stand out from the crowd.
I promise you, this is probably the only and the most comprehensive guide you can find anywhere on the subject of Personal Branding.
1) Why do you need Personal Branding?
2) Why is having a Personal Brand important?
3) Why is Personal Branding especially important for entrepreneurs?
4) How does Personal Brand work?
5) What is a good Personal Brand?
6) How to get personal branding right? (create personal brand of your personality)
7) What will be the content of my social media/ blog/ website for my Personal Brand?
8) How do you improve your Personal Branding?
9) How does Personal Branding help?
10) How much does Personal Branding cost?
1) Why do you need Personal Branding?

Having a personal brand is the easiest way to stand out from the crowd and to make sure that your skills, values, and talents are seen by potential employers or clients organically.
Why is a personal brand gaining in popularity
The term “personal branding” was first coined in 1997 by Tom Peters.
(*Note: others may argue the concept was first introduced in 1937 in the book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill or in 1981 in the book “The Battle for Your Mind” by Al Ries and Jack Trout. But for the sake of this article, I find Peter's words the most relevant to the form of personal branding we are talking about today.)
Peters wrote in his article, "The Brand Called You" for Fast Company: "when you’re promoting brand You, everything you do — and everything you choose not to do — communicates the value and character of the brand. Everything from the way you handle phone conversations to the email messages you send to the way you conduct business in a meeting is part of the larger message you’re sending about your brand."
While if I were to argue, I would say the personal brand has always been an innate common sense. It's not until now has it gained popularity (we all trust the recommendations of a friend and base their credibility on how they are and their relationship with us). Rather it has gained mainstream accessibility and notice due to the internet, particularly because of the rise of influencers and KOLs.
Along with the adoption of web2 (websites that emphasize user-generated content), and now, the entering of web3 (a decentralized World Wide Web), it will only become more and more common for people to see the need to build and maintain their identities in the virtual world, as it directly affects their identity and influences offline.
"When everybody has email and anybody can send you email, how do you decide whose messages you’re going to read and respond to first — and whose you’re going to send to the trash unread? The answer: personal branding. The name of the email sender is every bit as important a brand — is a brand — as the name of the Web site you visit. It’s a promise of the value you’ll receive for the time you spend reading the message."
- Tom Peters
Why have personal branding and why is personal branding so important
A personal branding is just as important for a freelancer as it is for a regular employee. It can help you land your dream job, make you more visible in your field, and even make you more money. The common misconception is that it is only useful to build fame. Reality is, it is a journey of self-discovery into getting known by yourself, and being known by others - which I will get into later in the article. In essence, the reason for having a personal brand boils down to the following:

Have you ever tried Googling your name? It may sound egoistic, but that's how others look for you nowadays.
"With the rise of social media sites, the need to monitor online reputations, and the number of careers that are directly linked to a person’s online presence, vanity isn’t the only catalyst prompting people to type their name into a search bar." - Search Engine Land
Without an establishing a personal brand that converses who you are online, potential opportunities that could've been your's will land in someone else's pocket, only because their name shows up and your's doesn't.
We all have our own opinions, passion, preferences, and strengths. Back in the day, it takes time for us to get such messages across. Perhaps through a conversation, an interview, or during a 3-month long probation period. But now we have forums, social media accounts, and commenting sections. Sharing our thoughts not only helps us solidify our standpoint, build confidence, and gain clarity on our value, it also connects us with other like-minded individuals.
"Strong communities are critical because they’re often an important source of social connection and a sense of belonging. Participating in a community bonded by attitudes, values, and goals is an essential ingredient to enjoying a fulfilling life." - Betterup.com
A personal brand open the doors to different communities, and may even result in the start of a movement - as Greta Thunberg and Malala Yousafzai have exquisitely demonstrated. It liberates everyone of us with the ability to exercise influence, despite geographic, societal, or educational barriers.
The reason why Coca Cola can demand a higher price for its product versus other soft drink companies is not only because they have a "better" product (though I know my husband and my mother will definitely argue that as avid Coca Cola drinkers).
The real reason lies within their brand loyalty (at a brand value of over 35 billion US dollars - statistica, 2022). That is what helps them continuously win over customers despite price rises. Because loyal customers are less sensitive to prices than non-loyal customers.
"Your personal brand can be used to establish a competitive baseline. The potential loss of the resources, contacts, and expertise associated with your personal brand is a very real factor in your value to the company... Personal brand can be leveraged to negotiate a salary or earn a promotion is by increasing your company’s brand impact." - Dr. Talaya W.
With a personal brand in place, leads and customers are less likely to base their decisions on price as they would with an "unbranded" individual. The focus lies in the individual's value and expertise, naturally redirecting audiences to appreciate the individual instead of the natural desire to bargain.
You get to decide what you want to be known for and how you want to be seen. Each of us goes through stages of self-awareness, in which Philippe Rochat categorizes as being five. The first time seeing ourselves through the mirror, hearing compliments and comments about us from others helps us create an image of ourselves in our heads. While many of us may have struggled with over emphasizing how others perceive us, the opportunity to a personal brand gives us the power to assemble and recognize the terms and descriptions we want to represent and associate.
"Given up at birth, Steve Jobs overcame a big hurdle in self-confidence to be able to help Apple do what other firms could not – make the personal computer cool. The Apple market position was almost an extension of Jobs’ own personal branding, which was cool, progressive, sleek and intelligent. While other CEOs were wearing suits and ties, Jobs embraced everything entrepreneurial and unconventional down to his business wardrobe." - Ken Sundheim, Personal Branding Blog
Why use personal branding

Saves time and money
As an employee, think about the time that it takes to find the right job vacancy posting, send over a CV, craft a tailored cover letter, go into interviews, do tests, and ultimately get the job. As a business owner, think about the money that it takes to build your systems, outreach leads, attend events, develop products and services, before getting that one lead.
And look at celebrities who have their own perfume, alcohol, and clothing line, and miraculously start selling immediately.
The difference lies between being and not being known. It seems unfair. We can all be bitter about it. But we can also switch our gears and look into how building a personal branding can help us drive naturally (and high quality) traction which we otherwise would have to manually generate ourselves.
Drives exponential results
If we looked at personal branding under the 80-20 Rule, otherwise known as the Pareto principle, 20% of the causes would be telling people who are you are, and 80% of the consequences would be new opportunities. But it doesn't stop there.
Because it's not linear. The 20% here doesn't only lead to one 80% outcome. It leads to a multitude of it. Because an individual can have an array of abilities that fulfils limitless opportunities. By building a personal branding (20%), you can achieve:
- 80% of personal opportunities (exploration of passions, abilities, hobbies)
- 80% of professional opportunities (career jump, new job)
- 80% of in-demand skills (monetizing existing skills such as teaching, speaking, writing)
- 80% of niche-demands (introducing new opportunities such as affiliates, subscriptions, gated content)
Better position without the need to sell
A personal branding acts as the proof of credibility. It replaces the common handshake with content for others to know you before arranging to meet. The sheer upkeep of it promises consistency, grit, and a level of expertise. It forms communities, drives influences, and attracts interest without the need for persuasion. It may feel like talking into a vacuum in the beginning, but one others reciprocate, you would be surprised to learn how strangers know and trust you based on the stories you've told about yourself.
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2) Why is having a Personal Brand important?
What is personal branding definition?
Personal branding is the practice of creating an image of yourself that reflects your values, skills, and experiences. It involves understanding who you are and what makes you different from everyone else. Once you’ve identified these qualities, you can use them to create a powerful brand that will help you achieve your goals.
How does personal branding relate to creating a first impression for the student/professional

The first step in developing a personal brand is figuring out what it is that YOU want out of life.
What do you value?
What are your goals?
When someone thinks of "you," what do they see?
These are all important questions to ask yourself when starting with personal branding because they'll help guide your decisions as you develop your brand further down the line.
Confused students often look for a role model to base their identity on. While, like artists in training, copying is a great way to improve your painting skills - it is not the same when it comes to personal branding. That is why I've mentioned personal branding as a self-discovery process more than anything.
Consistency is important, but using personal branding to create a first impression isn't as rigid as one may think. Continuing with the art reference - let's take Picasso as an example. Recognized for his achievement in Cubism, he wasn't a Cubist since day one. Picasso's Rose and Blue period that came before laid the foundations and held even greater art historical importance. If you came across Picasso's later paintings, which formed your first impression of him, you may not recognize his earlier paintings at all. But if his later paintings made an impact, it's almost destined that you will keep looking at and researching his past.
That is no different than building a personal brand. How you are now will likely change in 20 years, but without a personal brand, there is no journey for others to look back into. Your content becomes shattered glass that is difficult to picture back together. The process of figuring out what you want out of life can essentially be the documentation of your personal branding. And regardless of which stage others come across and frame that as their first impression of you, it should always lead back to them wanting to understand more about you.
How does personal branding/image impact executive presence

I've found it astonishing to hear my mentees, work partners, friends, family, and even strangers (here, I'm referring to online audiences and leads, not stalkers or anything cringy) seemingly know what I would do or how I would react in specific circumstances. It's not because we have spent most of our lives together or have engaged in lengthy, quality conversations. Most of the time, I haven't ever spoken to them. Their understanding is based on consuming my personal branding content, making it easy for them to step into my shoe.
According to Merriam-Webster, the word presence is defined as the fact or state of being present. But how can you be present without actually being there? That's a question personal branding answers.
Without the need of being a mother to everyone, a personal brand helps executives extend their beliefs and values so that a lack of physical presence in the workspace can still reinforce a feeling of being there. Such effect is achieved by creating two things: i) better communication, and ii) a stronger ability to inspire others to action.
Since personal branding revolves around an individual's values, goals, and perceptions from others, it sets the scene between the parties before any words are spoken. While you know how you would react, others can also anticipate your direction and come up with reactions in advance. Take my PR representative as an example. She rarely goes off a tangent with articles I need from her because she already knows what I believe in through my personal branding. Work gets done quicker, there is less miscommunication, and my presence helps her to create on-brand materials for my personal brand.
Next, do not overlook the impact the sheer upkeeping of personal branding can bring to others. Time and time again, I have been told that my consistency has inspired others to take their personal branding more seriously. I have adequate experience in my expertise, yet I am far from those regarded as experts. Why are people in my community reliant on me for content marketing advice? Because I have taken it into action through my personal branding. Your actions can indeed influence other people's road to success.
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How your personal brand enhances your reputation as a leader

How well do you know your boss? Perhaps your answer ranges from quite to very. Yet, the bulk of the information you have is likely negative. You know that they pick on details, are reluctant to change, or request a lot to buy in. Such results are normal as there is a dynamic at play. Both of you are asking each other for something every day.
Therefore, the tactics you deploy to get what you want will often revolve around pleasing, fulfilling, and managing expectations. And they, in hopes to keep their authority and professionalism, make every conversation serious and objective-focused.
Having personal branding is the opportunity for you to showcase your true colors without risking appearing soft or unreliable. Personal branding gives you the space and chance to explain the rationale behind your traits through your stories and experiences. It creates a more relatable image, which seeks better understanding.
"Reputational damage is the realization of any source of reputation risk facing an organization or an individual. It can be caused by any number of issues but ultimately its source is a negative shift in perceptions from a stakeholder group linked to their perceptions of the company’s behavior, performance or communications."
As told above, bad reputation arises from a shift in perception, and personal branding gives others a new way (which you can control) for others to perceive you.
How does your personal brand contribute to your business
As the author Mark Schaefer puts it, having a personal brand is not about being famous, it's about being known. And being known is one of the make-or-break for businesses.
People do not care about your product, and they might not even care about how you can solve their problems. People care about other people whom they find trustworthy and interesting. If you have a personal brand, your business can easily leverage from it. Audiences already have a sense of the values and mission your business holds as they know you as a person through you personal brand. Hence, a personal brand prevents a business from ever needing to start from scratch.
How personal branding affects individual success
By having a strong personal brand, you make sure people have a defined way to recognize who you are and what makes you special. This will help them remember your name when they need someone with the same skillset as yours. Furthermore, personal branding allows you to differentiate yourself from other candidates or professionals in the same field. It helps you stand out from the crowd, build trust and credibility, and establish yourself as an expert in your field.
"It’s over. No more vertical. No more ladder. That’s not the way careers work anymore. Linearity is out. A career is now a checkerboard. Or even a maze. It’s full of moves that go sideways, forward, slide on the diagonal, even go backward when that makes sense. (It often does.) A career is a portfolio of projects that teach you new skills, gain you new expertise, develop new capabilities, grow your colleague set, and constantly reinvent you as a brand."
- Tom Peters
How can personal branding influence our future

Looking for opportunities is exhausting. The process often involves us judging and doubting ourselves. And outreach and networking aren't for everyone.
A personal brand opens doors. The magical part is by placing ourselves out in the market actively, others are empowered to discover the hidden gems in us that we fail to see. Because showcasing the things we do reveals our hidden talents behind them.
I have been a dancer/ dance instructor for over a decade. I have a good foundation and was a natural performer. Yet, my dance videos weren't only perceived that way. Others started gravitating because they heard the screams and cheers of my students in the background. That built confidence in strangers to take my classes and earned me credibility in studio owners' hearts. These people saw the needs I filled without me realizing it.
A personal brand gives people a chance to think about how you can help them despite you not having an initial set out on the specific mission. It changes you from being the one taking initiative to others wanting to reach out themselves. By focusing on building your personal branding (20%), people will respond (80%).
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3) Why is Personal Branding especially important for entrepreneurs?

Why is personal brand good
I cannot speak for others, but to me, personal branding has helped me in the following ways:
i) Grouping my multi-faceted capabilities
I have been a Slasher for most of my life, and introductions never came easy. Particularly at formal or family gatherings. People are taken by surprise when one cannot categorize themselves in an industry or with a common job title. Yet, for those like me, it is difficult to frame ourselves accurately.
Me: "I help those with an entrepreneurial mindset explore their full potential with content!"
Them: "How so?"
Me: "Well, I offer courses, consultations, and content marketing services!"
With a personal brand, I no longer need to fixate on a title but on my values. It gives me the option to take a step back and introduce myself based on what I bring to others versus what I literally do (which is a mouthful). I don't need to rush through introductions. Instead, I can focus on my mission and dive into what things I do afterwards.
ii) Making it easy to differentiate

Without my personal branding, I am just another content marketer or marketer at best. My background as a Slasher, achievements as a dancer, and experiences as a reporter vanishes to dust. People won't be able to uncover my experiences until they read my CV.
My personal brand has allowed me to tie in all of my personal stories into the values I hold today. I transformed my dancer background into hooks for people to take a glimpse into who I am. I used my reporter experiences to explain how my content creation process differs from others.
What was once a jumpy CV is now crafted into a 360-degree understanding of who I am. And that has helped me cut through noise tremendously.
iii) Staying on top-of-mind
While the so-called gurus run full-fledge ads to drive awareness, personal branding takes a different approach. We tell stories and we tell them consistently.
It doesn't take one to master every single channel to stay on top-of-mind. What I've realized over the years is that it's about being present.
I have been around since geocities and xanga was the equivalent to today's Instagram and TikTok. The stories I've told has been different. But those who stuck around have became people who truly know me. They've seen my journey and understand. I've earned their trust and support, despite the changes in platforms and content. That's the essence of building a personal brand.
Why personal branding is essential to career success and why it matters
Personal branding is the process of building and maintaining your own brand. It's all about defining who you are as a professional and turning that into a framework you can use to decide how you want to present yourself in your career.
If you've been in a managerial position and had to go through the hiring process, you would understand that it's pretty dry. Most of the CVs look the same, while those stand out only because they don't fulfill the requirement. Getting yourself noticed early in the stage makes a stark difference. Imagine if the hirer has heard about you before. It could make the difference between trashing your email to arranging an immediate interview. That was exactly how I got hired as a part-time lecturer without any lecturing experience or a degree in the subject I taught. I got hired because of my personal branding.
How important is personal branding to your personality and to others

Perhaps less, or even never talked about, is how a personal brand helps filter out unnecessary conversations.
As an employee, employers get to see your expertise before speaking to you as a candidate. It would be absurd for them to reach out unless they see that your capabilities and values align with their brand. As a result, the opportunities that comes knocking at your door will always be high quality, as your personal branding naturally filters out those who do not meet you where you are. Neither parties have to go through the lengthy CV-reading process to find the right counterpart. This is the same for freelancers and business owners. Personal branding helps attract like-minded individuals ready to take action with you.
Those who reach out through your personal branding will value you. Your content has managed expectations ahead of time. They approach you with trust rather than skepticism. Having a personal brand allows you to easily voice your opinion and makes it more appealing for others to consider working with you. You appear as a much safer bet compared to those who have no personal branding for potential customers to consider.
How does a personal brand lift your reputation
The effort of up keeping a personal brand is valuable in itself. When I started as a solo content marketer, I focused on creating content. I wrote blogs, created landing pages, and frequently updated my social media channels. While they helped me drive content marketing and business goals, they also performed an unexpected case of alchemy (Rory Sutherland has coined this term as The Surprising Power of Ideas That Don't Make Sense, look up his book Alchemy to find out more).
There is no certification or proof to legitimize the existence of a personal brand. It's really floating on thin air. The construct is merely based on the content you have created and how professional they look. Of course, vanity metrics may help some audiences trust you, but I didn't have much of those. I was only a content marketer in Hong Kong, talking about content marketing passionately as though people cared.
But once a marketing conference got my approval to tell people I will be attending their event, it kickstarted a cycle that would be considered illogical. Those skeptical about the event saw my face and started researching me. They saw that not only was I a real person, but I also had a strong personal brand. Strangers began betting on me for how reliable the conference was. They trusted my personal brand and believed if I stood behind a scam, I would have a lot to lose. So they were okay trusting in me (someone they've never met in real life) than rely on actual research. They began to trust in a conference I yet to attended myself because of me.
Luckily, the conference was not a scam, and I did show up. But just by being present, I lifted not just my reputation but the reputation of others. Not through fancy ads or powerful activations - just by having a personal brand.
How personal branding is helpful in entrepreneurial business
Husbands, wives, fathers, and mothers are great. But it would be a disaster if they are the only people who knows about your business and are willing to purchase from you. Plus, you can only get so far with selling to friends.
Building a personal brand is the best way to prevent entrepreneurs from falling into the vicious cycle of social media ads to acquire reach. It is difficult for those without a marketing background to result in effective ads. Even if you are equipped, your reach will cease to exist once budget runs out. Therefore, the most cost saving and risk-free way to build an entrepreneurial business is by having a personal brand as it runs on an Inbound Marketing premise (through attraction instead of disruption).
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4) How does Personal Brand work?
Creating a personal brand begins with doing some research.

Taking the time to find out more about yourself and what makes you unique will help you to create a powerful brand statement. You need to think about:
How you want to be perceived and what qualities you want to showcase;
You should also research similar companies or individuals in your industry to see what they’re doing and how they’re marketing themselves;
Take note of the things that stand out will help you to create a personal brand that’s tailored to appeal to potential employers and clients.
You are also developing a strategy for how you want others to perceive you when they interact with you or see your name in print. This strategy will help guide how you present yourself on social media, at networking events, during job interviews, and more. It's important that this strategy aligns with your goals for career advancement so that it doesn't come off as contrived or disingenuous (which could undermine its effectiveness).
What are my personal brand goals
A good personal brand makes you stand out from the crowd. It's one that people will remember and want to be associated with. It's unique enough to be memorable but also authentic to who you are.
A good personal brand:
Is authentic;
Gets people excited about working with you;
Helps people feel like they know you well;
Shows that you're passionate about your work, excited to be doing it, and willing to go above and beyond for your clients;
Gives people confidence that working with you will be an easy process.
Any of the points mentioned above can be your personal brand goal. Or, you can consider setting personal achievements and milestones as goals. My personal brand goal in 2022 was to be recognized as THE Content Marketer in Hong Kong within the APAC region. My milestone to signal such achievement was being covered in an APAC publication and listed as an influential entrepreneur in Hong Kong.
The only suggestion here is not to tie your personal brand goals to financial goals. While it can make sense for a business, it becomes a distraction for a personal brand. The success of defining yourself or cutting through the noise with a personal brand cannot be measured with the dollar sign. Wanting to meet a revenue goal often leads one to take on jobs that aren't 100% fitting to the personal brand or can help the personal brand grow.
How personal brand is developed

The first step to develop your personal brand is writing down an answer to this question: "What do I want my future self to look like?" This is called your vision statement. It should be one sentence that describes who you want to become and why it's important for you to make it happen.
Once you've written down your vision statement, the next step is writing down three words or phrases that describe yourself at the moment. These are called traits. Then, connect those two things together—by writing down how each trait will help bring about your vision for the future, or what kind of person it makes you into today.
"Every day, as long as we're alive and well, we're constantly changing—and so is everything around us," says Amanda Palmer, best-selling author and songwriter. "So our personal brands need constant updating too."
Personal brand vs personal branding - The difference between personal brand and personal branding
According to Ryan Hoten, "Your personal brand is you. It's everything that goes into making you, you, such as your skills, your traits, and your values. Personal branding is simply the intentional act of telling the world who you are and how you add value."
And I agree. While a personal brand is the identity, personal branding is the means of communicating it to others.
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5) What is a good Personal Brand?
How to write personal branding statement
Your personal brand statement is one of the most important parts of your brand because it defines everything from who you are as a person to what kinds of skills, knowledge, relationships, and experiences you have (or think you have) that will help you be successful in the job market.
When thinking about what makes up your personal brand statement, it's important to focus on both professional attributes (the stuff that makes you seem like someone who could do well at work) and personal attributes (the things that make people like working with/for). The idea is that if other people know who they're hiring before they ever meet them in person, then they'll have a better idea whether or not they're going to get along with them on top of whether or not they think they can do their job well!
What is a good personal brand statement

At its most basic level, a good personal brand statement should be two sentences long and answer the question "Why me?" The first sentence should clearly state why you're excited about working in this field/industry/role. The second sentence should explain how you've demonstrated those qualities in past jobs or positions.
A good personal brand statement will include things like:
What you do and what you're good at
How you can help your target audience solve their problems
Why your target audience should care about what you have to offer
Who you are as a person (what makes you unique)
How to write personal brand story
According to Forbes, a personal brand story is "a cohesive narrative that encompasses the facts and feelings created by you, your brand, or your business. It defines a fundamental purpose and identifies beliefs, personal objectives, and outlines a set of goals (short-term and long-term) that embody those values."
So while one can expect a personal statement to look somewhat like a list of capabilities, a personal brand story will resemble a prologue to a book. It prepares your audiences and helps them understand what. to expect from your personal brand before deep diving into the bulk of your content.
While my personal brand statement would include my experience as a reporter - mentioning my ability to ask good questions and to write long-form articles - my personal brand story would talk about the beliefs I've gained from being a reporter - such as the importance of creating relevant content and strategically distributing them to ensure they show up at the right contextual moment.
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6) How to get personal branding right (create personal brand of your personality)
Steps to personal branding

After your personal brand has been developed, you need to start doing personal branding, which is the communication part of it:
i) Establish your hub
Similar to the construct of a hub-and-spoke model for SEO optimization, first establish a space to host your core topics. Treat this as the end station on your train track - Where do you want your audiences to arrive at the end? A website might be a common choice, but so can a book, a portfolio, or a Patreon account. It depends on the strength you wish to convey and your personal preference.
ii) Formulate your spoke
Then, identify the other stops on your train track - How are you going to get more people on your train and keep them there? Again, social media would be a great way, but so can webinars, offline events, volunteering work, or networking opportunities.
iii) Activate your audiences
Now you know where to reach people and where you want to send them - You'll need to arouse their interest and curiosity in you. Here, I would suggest you exercise your strength. If you are a superb writer, you should write. If you're funny, consider writing jokes or participating in comedy stand-ups. The goal of these communications is only to make a dent in your audience's mind, so they want to find out more about you.
iv) Capture their attention
To continually keep them interested, it's all about consistency and constant improvement. Building personal branding can be a lifelong journey. And the best way to keep them on the journey with you is by being transparent (showcase behind-the-scenes), honest (tell them your beliefs and opinions), and worthy (share your journey so they want to root for you).
What personal branding is not
Having a personal brand is not just about how you look or how you sound; it's about what you do, how you interact with others, and what you stand for as an individual—and how those things translate into results for your company.
The best way to understand what a good personal brand looks like is to look at what it is not:
Being famous - Fame may come from having a great personal brand, but note it is not your primary goal. Particularly, understand that you are not trying to achieve virality with your personal branding content. You should strive to be present by creating authentic content consistently.
Doing affiliate marketing - The goal of personal branding is not about selling stuff, particularly not someone else's. Though the probability of expanding your revenue stream to affiliate marketing after having successful personal branding is high, it should be treated as a counterpart/ bonus and never the goal of having a personal brand in the first place.
If you want to do affiliate marketing instead,
Becoming an influencer - The power of an influencer is their ability to prompt their audiences to take action because their audiences want to be somewhat like them. With personal branding, however, the power is becoming a trusted perspective. When an influencer stands behind a product, their audiences know well it's either they're paid for it, or it's something they use. When a personal brand stands behind a product, its audiences know the personal brand is well-versed in the area and is acting as an industry thought leader to give advice.
How can personal branding be used to target market

Imagine yourself in a big ballroom full of strangers. You are given a limited period of time to stay, so you won't be able to talk to everybody. But your goal is to end the night with at least a handful of valuable connections. What would you do?
I'd imagine you to observe others' behaviour and try to find things in common with yourself. It may be as simple as judging them by their outfit, the way they greet people, or ears dropping into conversations to see if they're legit. All in all, you're picking up on hints, and eliminating those who are not saying a word or appears to be polar opposites from you off your list.
In essence, that's what personal branding does when it tries to find its target market.
Instead of judging based on basic demographics, it picks up like-minded individuals with content and attract those who feels relevant.
How companies use personal branding
While personal branding has its own hub-and-spoke model, a company also has theirs. If you were to imagine your personal branding as earth, zoom out, and the sun would be the company's branding. Personal branding can, therefore, act as one of the company's spokes.
If a company's staff have their own personal branding, they can technically help drive awareness from their own spoke to their hub and up to the company's spoke-and-hub model. It is much easier for people to become interested in an individual and then wants to learn about where they work instead of the other way around. It brings out the relatable and personal side of a company. With that said, if a company has access to great personal branding, utilizing them can also help with hiring and retaining staff.
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7) What will be the content of my social media/ blog/ website for my Personal Brand?
How to build personal brand online
Personal branding is the process of developing a personal brand that you can use to represent yourself online. It's not just about your name and logo—though those are important elements—it's also about how you present yourself, and how people perceive you.
A good personal brand can help you stand out and boost your career, but it can be hard to get started. Here are some tips for personal branding on social media:
What is personal branding on social media?

Personal branding is the process of developing a reputation for yourself as an expert in your industry. This could be done through social media, blogging, or any other form of content creation. It's about aligning what you say and do with the image you want to project as a professional.
When it comes to social media, personal branding is all about the content you share with your audience. Your posts should be targeted and relevant to your audience, but also authentic to who you are as a person.
Choose your platform carefully. While there are many places to build your personal brand, each one has its own benefits and drawbacks. LinkedIn is great for job-seekers and professionals who want to network with other professionals; Twitter is best for sharing updates, news, and opinions; Facebook is more casual and helpful if you're looking to connect with friends or family; and Instagram lets you share images in addition to text updates.
Think about what matters most to you. For example, if you're interested in being seen as an expert at something, then LinkedIn might be the best place for you. If you want people to know how funny or quirky or interesting you are, then Twitter would be better suited for your needs.
Make sure that everything about your personal brand—from its name down to its avatar—fits together seamlessly so that it doesn't look like different pieces were placed together randomly or that they don't align with each other at all.
How to build personal brand on twitter
Start by making a list of all of your interests and then finding other accounts that share them. Once you've found some people who seem like they'd be interested in what you have to say (or vice versa), follow them! You can also use hashtags to find new people who are talking about similar topics or issues as you are. Then start tweeting.
Use relevant hashtags so that people can find what they're looking for when they search for those topics online. Don't forget: Twitter is all about conversations—so make sure yours fits the tone of what's happening around it.
What is personal branding Youtube
Personal branding YouTube is the use of YouTube as a platform to build your personal brand. By creating videos that showcase your skills, expertise, and experiences, you can create an online presence that will help you stand out from the competition. It allows you to build awareness, credibility, and trust with potential customers or employers.
Create content to share your message in the format of vlog videos, interviews, tutorials, or other creative content related to your brand or industry.
What does personal brand help you with in instagram

Personal branding on Instagram can be a powerful tool for anyone looking to build an online presence, establish credibility and gain visibility. It can help you reach a wider audience, create meaningful relationships with potential customers and partners, and ultimately grow your business.
With the right strategy and tactics, you can use Instagram to showcase your skills and expertise in order to stand out from the crowd. By leveraging the platform's features such as stories, reels, hashtags, influencers and more, you can create an effective personal brand that will help you achieve your goals on Instagram.
Purpose of personal blog
A personal blog is a great way for individuals to share their thoughts, stories and experiences with the world. It can also be used as a platform to express opinions, showcase talents and create an online presence. Writing a personal blog can help you connect with like-minded people, build relationships and even open up new opportunities.
A personal blog is also an excellent opportunity to practice writing and hone your skills in storytelling. You can use it to document your journey, share advice or even make money by monetizing your content.
Overall, a personal blog can be used for many different purposes - from networking to self-expression - making it one of the most versatile tools available today.
How to make a personal branding video

Creating a personal branding video can be an effective way to show potential employers and clients who you are and what you can do. A well-crafted personal branding video will help you stand out from the competition and increase your visibility in the job market.
When creating your personal branding video, it’s important to focus on what makes you unique. Think about your strengths, passions, and values, and how those can be showcased in a visually engaging way. Consider including stories about your accomplishments or any awards or recognition that you have received. You should also include visuals that showcase your skillset and highlight any projects that you have worked on.
With careful planning and thoughtful execution, a personal branding video can be an invaluable tool for promoting yourself professionally, leaving a lasting impression on viewers. And it doesn't have to be complicated or expensive!
What is personal branding on Linkedin
Personal branding on LinkedIn is a way to create an online presence that presents a professional image and attracts contacts and opportunities. It involves creating a profile that showcases your skills, experiences, and accomplishments, and engaging with other professionals and potential employers, clients, and partners through content, comments, and connections.
Your personal brand is an important part of your professional identity and can help you stand out from the crowd and make yourself more attractive to potential contacts.
What is personal branding and how does it relate to networking

Networking is often a key component of personal branding, as it helps to create connections and opportunities for self-promotion. By meeting new people and building relationships, individuals can increase their chances of being exposed to potential employers or customers. Additionally, networking can also help individuals to learn more about their industry and stay up-to-date on trends.
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8) How do you improve your Personal Branding?
Creating your personal brand is just the first step – it’s also important to maintain your brand. Keeping up with industry trends and news is essential, and regularly updating your website and social media accounts will help you to stay ahead of the competition. You should also take the time to review and update your website, resume, and portfolio on a regular basis. This will ensure that your information is up to date, and it will also help potential employers to get a better idea of who you are and how you can be an asset to their business.
What is personal brand building

There are many ways to improve your personal brand. One way is to be clear about what you want your brand to stand for. What are your values? What do you want to be known for? Once you have a clear idea of this, you can start shaping your public image around these things.
Another way to improve your personal brand is by being active and present online. Make sure you have a strong social media presence, and that you're regularly sharing interesting and thought-provoking content. If you can establish yourself as an expert in your industry, or even just as someone with interesting things to say, this will go a long way towards building up your personal brand.
Of course, none of this will matter if you don't back it up with real substance. So make sure that everything you do – both online and off – is in line with the image you're trying to create for yourself. Be consistent, be professional, and be passionate about what you do, and people will start to take notice of your Personal Brand.
What are some personal brand examples
Here are some of my personal favorites and why:
i) Rachel How
I came across Rachel's youtube channel first. Though we're not in the same industry (she's a Product Designer, Creator, and Webflow Developer), I resonated with her background (being an Asian woman) and her journey to do what she loves and attain multiple streams of income. I enjoy her chilled and laid-back style, which clearly stems from how she is herself. Her website is sleek, and her content is valuable yet easy to digest.
ii) Katelyn Bourgoin
I came across Katelyn's content via Linkedin and was drawn to her email newsletter where she dissects the psychology behind customer behavior. She uses storytelling to engage her audience with complex concepts and makes facts relatable. Again, from her style of content, you can see how she is as a person - straight to the point, intelligent, and experienced in her field.
iii) Ruiyi (Jason) Chin
This is a special example, because Jason's content never shows his face, yet it feels as though I know exactly how he looks. His minimalistic style ties with both his personality and his specialty (notion), making a black-and-white avatar come to life. His copies are also super clean, building an impression that he is the guy you want to go to for clarity and explanation.
Personal branding video examples
This may come unexpectedly, but I think the best way to learn about building a personal brand with videos comes from watching the different speakers on Ted and TedX.
While each speaker may have decades' worth of experience, they can only pick one core subject to share with. the audience within an average length of 15 to 20 minutes. They need to convey their message in a captivating way, explain why you should care by sharing their experiences, and inspire you with new ideas through their expertise. Not to mention, make you want to watch the whole video by being an authentic yet charismatic individual throughout their presentation.
Here are some of my favorite TedX talks that made an impression:
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9) How does Personal Branding help?
What is its purpose
Think of your personal brand as an extension of yourself. It should be authentic, unique, and consistent with the way you live and work.
Your personal brand can help you:
Build your career: A strong personal brand can help you land your dream job or get promoted.
Grow your business: A well-defined personal brand can attract new customers and help you charge more for your products or services.
Attract new opportunities: A strong personal brand can open doors to speaking engagements, writing opportunities, and other exciting new ventures.
What makes personal marketing work
Most people think of personal branding as creating a logo or website. But personal branding is much more than that. It's about creating an identity and online presence that reflect who you are and what you stand for.

Knowing who you are. This involves understanding your values, strengths, passions, and goals. It's about getting clear on what makes you tick — what drives and motivates you. Once you know these things, you can start to build a personal brand that aligned with them.
Communicating your unique value proposition. This is all about articulating what makes you different and why people should care. What do you have to offer that nobody else does? What can you do better than anyone else? When you can answer these questions, you're well on your way to creating a compelling personal brand.
Making sure the world knows about it. Once you've got a handle on who you are and what makes, don't let yourself become the world's best kept secret.
What are personal brand tips
Here are some tips for creating a strong personal brand:
Be clear about who you are and what you stand for. Ask yourself what makes you unique and what qualities or values do you want to be known for?
Be consistent in how you present yourself online and offline. Make sure the message you're sending out is the message you want to be received.
Tell your story in an interesting and engaging way. Why should people care about you?
What does your personal brand say about you

Your personal brand is a reflection of who you are and what you stand for. It’s the sum of all the things that make up your identity, from your values and beliefs to your skills and experiences. It’s also how others perceive you, based on what they see and hear about you.
Your personal brand is the foundation for how you present yourself to the world. It conveys your personality, values, and goals. It can help shape how people view you as an individual and as a professional, influencing their decisions about whether or not they want to work with or hire you.
Having a strong personal brand is essential in today’s competitive marketplace because it helps set you apart from others who may be vying for the same job or opportunity. Your personal brand can give potential employers or clients insight into who you are as an individual, helping them determine if they want to work with or hire someone like you.
As Ann Bastianelli puts it, having a personal brand allows a person to "negotiate from position of confidence."
What is personal leadership
Personal leadership is a process of taking responsibility for your own actions and developing the skills and confidence to direct your own life. It involves setting goals and taking action in order to make positive changes in your life and to reach your full potential. It also involves being able to make decisions and take risks that will help you reach those goals.
To establish personal leadership, it requires the individual to be self-aware, self-disciplined, self-motivating, and have the ability to take initiative. Personal leadership can help you to become a better leader in your professional life, as well as in your personal life.
What should a personal brand look like
A personal brand should be an authentic representation of who you are and what you have to offer. It should include an engaging bio or summary, an up-to-date portfolio of your work, and a professional headshot or logo. It should also include a list of your skills and qualifications, and any social media accounts or websites you use to promote and share your work. If you are looking for jobs, you should also include a resume or CV. Finally, a personal brand should always be professional, consistent, and up-to-date.
What is personal brand real estate
I had the best time talking to Barton Lui, an ex-short track speed skater (who qualified to compete for Hong Kong at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi!) turned realtor who now represents his own personal brand, Barton Lui Realtor, in Fairview, Vancouver, Canada.
In the video, he shared with me his journey of establishing a personal brand, using content to market his business, and what works and doesn’t work for a new realtor like himself. If you’re a realtor looking to scale your business, gain exposure, and utilize content effectively to attract potential leads - this is the video you need.
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10) How much does Personal Branding cost?
The cost of personal branding depends on a variety of factors such as the scope of the project, the services requested, and the professional's experience level. Generally speaking, the average cost of personal branding services can range from US $500 to US $15,000.
Working with a budget but looking to start?
What is a personal brand consultant and what is personal branding coaching

A personal brand consultant/ coach is a professional who helps individuals create a strong and recognizable personal brand. They provide guidance and advice to help individuals identify and market their unique skills and abilities. They help individuals define and communicate their personal brand, create a compelling message, and develop a strategy to promote it. They may also help individuals with aspects of their personal brand such as developing a portfolio, creating a website or social media presence, and networking with potential employers and industry contacts.
Looking for someone to hold you accountable and guide you along the way?
What does personal branding mean to you

Building a strong personal brand takes time, effort, and resources. But it’s an investment worth making. With a strong personal brand, you can make yourself more visible to employers and make it easier for them to find you. A powerful personal brand will also help you to stand out from the crowd and position yourself as the ideal candidate for the job.
Having a strong personal brand is more important than ever in today’s competitive job market. Investing the time and resources into building a powerful brand can have a huge impact on your career. By creating an eye-catching website and taking advantage of social media channels, you can make yourself more noticeable to employers and position yourself as the perfect candidate for the job.