Content Marketing is NOT rocket science!
Joyce Tsang Content Marketing hosted their first workshop on February 25, 2022, at theDesk Strand 50 on how slashers can stand out with Content Marketing. Joyce Tsang, an ex-Slasher herself, will debunk different myths and share insider tips on how Content Marketing can successfully build one’s side hustle.
Joyce Tsang Content Marketing 於 2022 年 2 月 25 日於 theDesk Strand 50 舉辦首個工作坊,講述斜槓族如何利用內容行銷在兢爭激烈的市場中脫穎而出。作為 ex-Slasher 的創辦人 Joyce 將會分享她的專業心得,並解構內容行銷為副業帶來的潛在性。

One of the only slashers specific events out there
Are you rethinking your career path as you work from home?
Are you looking to express your passion and creativity outside of your 9-to-5?
Or, have you already embarked on the slasher/ freelancer journey but are struggling to stay afloat in the highly competitive market?
Though the slasher mentality is not a new concept, it has exponentially propelled during the global pandemic. With lay-offs, immigrations, and flexible working, many are looking into slashing as the potential answer to better build their future.
WFH 令你重新思考你的生涯規劃?
Why should you listen to me?
Joyce Tsang, the founder of Joyce Tsang Content Marketing, realizes most people overlook the potential content marketing can bring to their side hustles. By understanding the power in creating the right content, freelancers & slashers can easily build their own brand and differentiate themselves from others in the market.
Joyce Tsang Content Marketing 的創辦人 Joyce 眼見很多斜槓族忽略了內容行銷 (Content Marketing) 能為他們副業帶來的潛在性,所以希望能親自與自由工作者及斜槓族分享如何策劃及創作富資訊性的內容,加強內容行銷的成效。在確切地了解創作正確和有效內容的強大效用後,自由工作者及斜槓族便可以輕易建立及鞏固個人品牌,使他們在芸芸兢爭中脫穎而出。

As an ex-Slasher herself, Joyce had achieved success by creating content. As one of the only Content Marketers in Hong Kong capable of formulating content strategy down to content execution, she will be sharing insider tips on:
作為 ex-Slasher 的 Joyce,她的成功來自於有效及正確的內容創作,她更是香港少數能從內容策略至執行一手包辦之內容行銷專家。在是次工作坊中,Joyce 將會分享她的專業心得,包括:
What is content marketing;
The importance of authenticity for a slasher/ freelancer;
How to establish your identity in the highly competitive digital landscape;
How to highlight your products and services, attract leads, and land your first paying clients.


Worried your specific questions will remain unanswered?
There will also be a Q&A and mingling session, so anyone considering slashing or is struggling to acquire clients can get their answers from Joyce on the spot. Individuals watching on demand will also receive a complimentary 30-minute diagnosis session with Joyce via zoom.
工作坊亦設有問答環節,讓所有有意成為斜槓族或正在拼命「搵生意」的參加者能即時從 Joyce 身上得到答案。點播觀看的人也能獲得與 Joyce 30 分鐘的免費 zoom 會議。

Actionable insights
Some attendees have told us that this was the first workshop they have attended that covered both strategy and execution with the perfect balance. They were able to grasp larger concepts and then immediately work through specific items mentioned in the workshop on their own. Not to mention, they felt connected with Joyce through her authentic examples and animated teaching style.

Hear it from an attendee - Meet Stevie Tsui
"I have been freelancing as an English copywriter and translator since I was an undergrad at university. Since graduating in 2013, I have never been out of a day job for more than three months. When I am not at work, I am doing client work.
The clients I have acquired over the years have all been by word of mouth. I seem to have become the person to WhatsApp when a client wants something “more native English”. Most of my work involves translating Chinese content to English, writing and editing English copies, and “de-Chinglishing” English content. I am beyond grateful and flattered, of course — I had never thought that word of mouth would get me this far — but Joyce made me realise that I cannot stay on the sidelines if I wanted to be known as more than just a good writer and “de-Chinglisher”." - Stevie Tsui